Song Research Tools  
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The three Japanese studies listed below are essential introductions to the primary sources, references tools, and major secondary works for the study of Sung history.

Sudō Yoshiyuki's 周藤吉之 essay on the Five Dynasties and Sung periods in:

(J) D9.S38
LoC: DS803 .S4 Japan
Sekai rekishi jiten
(Encyclopedia of world history).
Vol. 23.
Tokyo: Heibonsha, 1955, pp. 184-204.

Chikusa Masaaki's 竺沙雅章 wrote the chapter on sources for Song studies in the following volume:

LoC: DS32.5 .A44 1983 Japan
Ajia rekishi kenkyū nyūmon, 1: Chūgoku
(Introduction to the study of Asian history, 1: China).
Kyoto: Dōhōsha, 1983, pp. 227-268.

An English translation of this essay, by Kenneth Chase, was published in the second edition of Research Tools for the Study of Sung History (Albany, NY: Journal of Sung-Yuan Studies, 1996).

Of particular value for social and economic history are Yanagida Setsuko's 柳田節子 and Ihara Hiroshi's 伊原弘 essays on the sources for Sung history and Chinese and Japanese studies, in

J2518/2445 Chūgokushi kenkyū nyūmon
(Introduction to the study of Chinese history).
Yamane Yukio 山根幸夫 ed.
Vol. I.
Tokyo: Yamakawa shuppansha, 1984, pp. 423-570.

The following guide is modeled on the work edited by Yamane. It includes Chinese translations of the relevant chapters in that work, and supplements critical reviews of scholarship produced in Taiwan and Hong Kong between roughly 1950 and 1985.

Ref(C) DS735.C543 1990x Chung-kuo-shih yen-chiu chih-nan 3: Sung-shih Liao Chin Yuan shih
中國史研究指南,3: 宋史遼金元史
(Guide to the study of Chinese history 3: Sung history and Liao, Chin, and Yuan history).
Kao Ming-shih 高明士 ed. and trans.
Taipei: Lien-ching ch'u-pan-she, 1990. 302p.

Also note Hasegawa's account of postwar Japanese Sung studies:

(W) DS12.A45
LoC: DS12 .A45
"Trends in Postwar Japanese Studies on Sung History: A Bibliographic Introduction."
Hasegawa Yoshio.
Acta Asiatica 50 (1986): 95-120,

which cites the major reference works compiled by Japanese scholars and their studies of the examination and school system, bureaucratic system, and shih-ta-fu class.

  Chūgoku rekishi kenkyū nyūmon
(Introduction to the Study of Chinese History)
Tonami Mamoru 礪波護 et al.
Nagoya: Nagoya daigaku shuppankai 名古屋大學出版會, 2006. pp. 127-157, 396-408.

This edited volume contains a chapter introducing the most important secondary scholarship and the main historical resources for research in Five Dynasties and Song China. The focus is on Japanese research, but the compilers also include references to modern Chinese editions and reference works. There is a bibliography in the back. Apart from the main chronological chapters, there are also three separate sections on catalogs, epigraphy, and geography.

The multi-volume series on Chu Hsi school Neo-Confucianism, the Shushigaku taikei includes a one-volume introduction to the sources for Chu Hsi studies:

LoC: B128.C54 S54 Japan
Shushigaku nyūmon
(Introduction to Chu Hsi Confucianism).
Shushigaku taikei 朱子學大系 Vol. I.
Tokyo: Meitoku shuppansha, 1974.

Finally, note Fang Hao's discussion of 60 important primary sources:

LoC: Z3103 .S59 (Orien China)
"Yen-chiu Sung shih ts'an-k'ao shu-chi chü-yao"
(Essential reference works for research on Sung history).
Fang Hao 方豪
Shu-mu chi-k'an 書目季刊 1.1 (1966): 10-14; 1.2 (1966): 73-80; 1.3 (1967): 34-38,

and the discussion of several major primary sources in the bibliography of

(W)JQ 1512.K7
LoC: JQ1512 .K7
Civil Service in Early Sung China, 960-1067.
E. A. Kracke, Jr.
Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1953, pp. 237-249.

For a recent introduction to major primary sources and reference tools, see:

(C) 2665/3513 "Songshi yanjiu ji qi gongju shu"
(Research in Song History and Reference Materials for It).
Wang Deyi 王德毅
Songshi yanjiu ji 33 (2003):469-495.

This article was originally published in 1989, but went through an update in 2003. The first part reviews major sources in Song history such as Song shi, Song huiyao, Sanchao Bei Meng huibian, Jianyan yilai xinian yao lu etc. and lists research tools prepared for each of them. The list is somewhat outdated.
The second part lists research tools in Song history of broader scope. Only print materials are discussed; new electronic resources are not included.

The following article lists the major general histories of the Song period written in China and Taiwan. Even though it focuses on Zhang Qifan’s Songdai shi, it also serves as a brief introduction to changing approaches in the writing of general Song histories:

  Lun duandai Song shi de zhushu--yi "Songdai shi" wei kaocha zhongxin
(On General Surveys of Song History--With Focus on The History of the Song Dynasty).
Xiao Jianxin 肖建新
Anhui shifan daxue xuebao (renwen shehui kexue ban) 安徽師范大學學報(人文社会科學版) 34.1 (2006): 14-19.

Take note of the following excellent introduction to Yuan studies:

LoC: DS752 .L513 1989 China
Yuan-shih hsueh kai-shuo
(General introduction to the study of Yuan history).
Li Chih-an 李治安 and Wang Hsiao-hsin 王曉欣 eds.
T'ien-chin: T'ien-chin chiao-yü ch'u-pan she, 1989.

This reviews Yuan historical studies, abstracts scholarship in many different fields, and introduces primary sources, reference works, and research tools. There are indexes to secondary scholarship in Chinese, Japanese, Russian, and European languages.

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