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Catalogs, Bibliographies and Colophons

(C) Z240.4.S664 2003x Song Yuan ban shumu tiba jikan
(Collection of Catalogs and Colophons of Song and Yuan Editions)
Jia Guirong 賈貴榮 and Wang Guan 王冠, eds.
Beijing: Beijing tushuguan chubanshe, 2003. 4 vols.

This collection conveniently reproduces catalogs or sections of catalogs listing Song and Yuan editions. Around thirty titles, mostly dating from Qing times, are included. There is an index by stroke order and pinyin. Titles are listed under the original title only. This means that readers have to search a text under all variant titles to find all relevant editions.


The following is described by the Harvard-Yenching Library as "An index to descriptive notices of Chinese rare editions, appearing in 102 public and private library catalogs, collections of colophons and reading notes, and other bibliographical sources, which appeared from the Sung dynasty to the 1960s. The main body of the work comprises four-corner indices to the titles and authors of the rare books described. Stroke-count and pinyin indices to first characters are added for convenience. At the front of the volume is a list of the 102 sources (9 of them Japanese) with full bibliographical information. "

Ref (C) Z3101.L745 1991 Ku-chi pan-pen t'i-chi so-yin
(Index to descriptive notes of ancient editions).
Lo Wei-kuo 羅偉國 and Hu P'ing 胡平
Shanghai: Shang-hai shu-tien, 1991. 941pp.

The following two studies contain appendices of extant and non-extant Song printed editions:

(W) Z244.6.C6 C438 2002 Printing for Profit : The Commercial Publishers of Jianyang, Fujian (11th-17th centuries)
Lucille Chia
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Asia Center, 2002. xxi, 442 p.
  "Books and Printing in Sung China (960-1279)"
Ming-sun Poon
Ph. D. diss., University of Chicago, 1979.


W9270/82.2 "Southern Song Printing at Hangzhou."
Sören Edgren.
Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities 61 (1989): 1-212.

includes "A Bibliography of Southern Song Imprints from Hangzhou and Vicinity" (pp. 82-112), "A Bibliography of Southern Song Imprints from Liangzhe and Related Areas" (pp. 113-27), an index to these two bibliographies (pp. 113-34), and a list of blockcarvers' names (pp. 135-68).

For 253 Sung and Yuan editions in the Seikadō Library, see:

  Seikadō bunko Sō-Gen hanto roku
(Catalogue of Sung and Yuan editions in the Seikado library).
Tōkyō: Kyūko shoin, 1992.

For holdings of Song editions in Taiwan, see:

  Taiwan gong cang Song- Yuanben lianhe mulu
(Union Catalog of Song and Yuan editions in Taiwanese Public Collections)
Chang Bide 昌彼得
Taibei: Guoli zhongyang tushuguan, 1955.

For 36 Sung-Yuan editions of Buddhist sutras at Ryūkoku University, see:

J3305/6664 "Ryūkoku daigaku Ōmiya toshokan shozō no Sō Genpan Butten ni tsuite"
(On the Sung-Yuan editions of Buddhist sutras in the Ōmiya library at Ryūkoku university).
Kitamura Takashi 北村高
In Hino Akira hakushi kanreki kinen ronbunshūrekishi to denshō
Hino Akira hakushi kanreki kinenkai comp.
Kyōto: Nagada Fumimasadō 1988, pp. 785-811.

Under each item, the author gives the available information concerning its title, cover, carvers' names, date, etc.


Twenty-one titles from the Kunaichō Shoryōbu collection of fifty-five Song titles have been exquisitely reproduced in the series:
(C) AC149 .R52 Riben gongneiting shulingbu cang Song Yuan ban Hanji yingyin congshu. Di 1-2 ji
日本宮內厅书陵部藏宋元版汉籍影印丛书. 第一輯, 第二輯
(Series of Reprints of the Song Yuan Editions from the Japanese Collection Kunaichō Shoryōbu)
Quanguo gaoxiao guji zhengli yanjiu weiyuanhui 全国高校古籍整理硏究委员会
Beijing: Xianzhuang shuju, 2001-2003. 118+75 vols.

  Song ji zhenben congkan
(Rare Editions of Song Collected Works Series)
Sichuan daxue guji zhengli yanjiusuo 四川大学古籍整理研究所
Beijing: Xianzhuang shuju, 2004.
108 vols.

This is another outgrowth of the Quan Song wen project conducted by Sichuan daxue guji zhengli yanjiusuo. It is also part of a new large project, the Confucian Canon (Ru zang), this institution has embarked upon. This series contains 405 titles in over 10,000 juan. The vast majority of the volumes (through vol. 91) contain reproductions of individual literary collections of the work of Song authors (wenji); the remaining volumes (through vol. 107) are devoted to a selection of literary anthologies (zongji). The following selection criteria were used in identifying suitable editions: 1) Song and Yuan editions are generally included; 2) Ming and Qing editions are included if there are no earlier editions, if earlier editions are incomplete or if they have a different genealogy than extant earlier editions. 3) Post-Yuan editions are also included if they have been carefully collated or annotated. 4) Those reproduced in other reproduction series such as Sibu congkan (see VI.F) and Beijing tushuguan suocang zhenben congkan are excluded.
The last volume contains abstracts of all titles included. Each abstract traces the title's publication history, as well as its collection history (seals of ownership of particular copies as well as entries of editions in catalogs). It also gives a summary biography of the author and describes the contents. As in the Siku quanshu an individual title's abstract is also reproduced in its front pages.
The original copies have been scanned, enhanced, and fitted to a standard size. The original fonts and pagination have been preserved, but in the middle columns title, series title, and juan/page information has been electronically inserted.
Volume 108 contains indexes of titles and authors by stroke order. The table of contents, with abstracts, and the title and author indexes are also available at the website listed above.

(C) Z186.C5 S66 2000x Song Yuan banke tu shi
(Illustrations and Explanations of Song through Yuan Woodblock Prints)
Chen Jian 陈坚 and Ma Wenda 马文大
Beijing: Xueyuan chubanshe, 2000. 4 vols.

This title includes reprints of the first page of the first chapter of over 660 Song printed titles and around 100 Song and Yuan woodblock illustrations. It also includes 55 titles from Xi Xia, Liao and Jin times and over 370 Yuan titles. Titles are organized by period and then by type of printer: government, family, and commercial printshops. Titles are also subdivided by region.
For each title there is a brief description listing bibliographic details including place and time of publication. Time references include dates converted to the western calendar.

For smaller collections of reproductions, focusing on specific holdings, see:

  Guoli zhongyang tushuguan Songben tulu
(An Illustrated Record of Song and Yuan Editions at the Central Library in Taiwan)
Guoli zhongyang tushuguan 國立中央圖書館
Taibei: Zhonghua congshu weiyuanhui 中華叢書委員會, 1958.
  Guoli gugong bowuyuan Songben tulu
(An Illustrated Record of Song Editions at the Palace Museum )
Taibei: Guoli gugong bowuyuan 國立故宮博物院, 1977.
  Songban shu tezhan mulu
(Catalog of the Song Editions Special Exhibit)
Guoli gugong bowuyuan bianji weiyuanhui 國立故宮博物院編輯委員會
Taibei: Guoli gugong bowuyuan 國立故宮博物院, 1986.
  Sōhon shoei
(Reproductions of Song Editions)
Nagasawa Kikuya 長澤規矩也
Tokyo: Nihon shoshi gakkai 日本書誌學會, 1931.
  Toshoryō Sōhon shoei
(Reproductions of Song Editions)
Tokyo: Nihon shoshi gakkai 日本書誌學會, 1936.
(Song Editions)
Tenri toshokan 天理圖書館
Tenri: Tenri daigaku 天理大學出版部, 1962.
  Sheyuan suojian Songban shuying
(Reproductions of Song Editions Seen by Sheyuan)
N.p.:Mr. Tao Xiang 武進陶氏涉園, 1937; rpt.: Yangzhou: Jiangsu Guangling guji keyinshe 江蘇廣陵古籍刻印社, 1998; Beijing:Beijing tushuguan chubanshe 北京圖書館出版社, 2003.



Nagasawa Kikuya's extensive studies of nearly all Sung-Yuan editions are collected in

LoC: Z3301 .N32 1982 Japan
Sō Genpan no kenkyū
(Studies on Sung and Yuan editions).
Nagasawa Kikuya 長澤規矩也
In Nagasawa Kikuyachosaku shü
長澤規矩也著作集 vol. 3.
Tokyo: Kyūko shobō 汲古書屋, 1983. 526 p.

This includes exhibit catalogues (pp. 9-35, 93-124), a study of commercial publishing (36-89), lists of library holdings (219-270), names of block carvers (128-196), etc.

Ozaki Yasushi has written on Sung-Yuan editions of the dynastic histories and the Tzu-chih t'ung-chien.

LoC: DS750.62 .O95 1989 Japan
Seishi Sō Genpan no kenkyū
(Studies on Sung-Yuan editions of the dynastic histories).
Ozaki Yasushi 尾崎康
Tokyo: Kyūko shoin, 1989.
LoC: PL700 .K45 (Orien Japan)
"Sō Gen kan Shiji tsugan ni tsuite"
(On the Sung and Yuan editions of Tzu-chih t'ung-chien).
Ozaki Yasushi 尾崎康
Shidōbunko ronshū 斯道文庫論集 23(1989):171-224.


Aids in Identifying Editions

For a listing of 370 Sung and Yuan editions and the names of printing-block carvers, see

9432/1130 Ku-chi Sung Yuan k'an-kung hsing-ming so-yin
(Index to the names of carvers of Sung and Yuan editions).
Wang Chao-wen 王肇文 comp.
Shanghai: Shang-hai ku-chi, 1990. 406 p.

Carvers' names are arranged in four-corner sequence and include references to the 370 texts used. There is a separate section describing these texts, arranged according to the traditional four divisions of bibliography.

Recall also the appropriate section of Nagasawa Kikuya's book
noted above. This appeared originally as

J9401/5070 "Sō kanpon kokukō meihyō"
(Table of carvers' names in Sung editions).
Nagasawa Kikuya 長澤規矩也
Shojigaku 書志學 20 (1971, 11): 35-62; 33, 34 (1984, 5): 36-55.

This includes 187 Sung editions. Carvers' names are listed for each book.
Note too
J9401/5070 "Tenri toshokan zō Sō kanpon kokukō meihyō"
(Table of carvers' names in Sung editions in the Tenri library).
Kaneko Kazumasa 金子和正
Shojigaku 書志學 18 (1971, 2): 36-47.

which includes the carvers' names for 21 Sung editions. Names are ordered by stroke count.

  Song Yuan shuke paiji tulu
(Illustrated Record of Song and Yuan Printers' Marks)
Lin Shenqing 林申清
Beijing: Beijing tushuguan chubanshe, 1999. 8, 5, 138 p.

lists printshop marks for government and private printers.


For a guide to sources published up to 1987, see:

  "Inscriptions: Historical Sources for the Song"
Valerie Hansen
The Bulletin of Sung Yuan Studies 19 (1987): 17-25.

Now slightly out of date as many new resources have become available in recent years.


For inscriptions appearing in Wang Hsiang-chih's cultural geography of Southern Sung, see the index appended to:

LoC: DS706.5 .W28 1971 (Orien China)
Yü-ti chi-sheng
(Records of famous places).
Wang Hsiang-chih 王象之(chin-shih 1195) comp.
Peking: Chung-hua shu-chü, 1992. 8 volumes.

Note the following guide to major collections of inscription collections:
(W) PL2448.K79 1991
LoC: PL2448 .K79 1991
Annotated Bibliography to the Shike shiliao xinbian.
Dieter Kuhn and Helga Stahl comp.
Heidelberg: Edition Forum, 1991. 283p

Of particular value, in addition to the usual bibliographic information, are indications of the dates of the author or compiler, the time period covered by the work, and the geographical region covered by the work. There is an alphabetical index to authors and compilers. And there is a list of persons whose epitaphs have been completely transcribed.

  Shike shiliao xinbian di yi, er, sanji shuming zuozhe suoyin
石刻史料新編第一 , 二, 三 輯書名著者索引
(Title and Author Index to the first, second, and third series of Shike shiliao xinbian)
TakahashiTsuguo 高橋繼男
Taibei:Xinwenfeng 新文豐, 1995.

Reproductions and Series

(C) PL2448 .S45 2003x Songdai shike wenxian quanbian
(A Complete Collection of Song Dynasty Inscriptions)
Zhongguo guojia tushuguan Shanben jinshi zu 中國國家圖書館善本金石組
Beijing: Beijing tushuguan chubanshe, 2003.
4 vols.

This set contains reproductions of over 3000 inscriptions collected from around 100 compilations. Items were cut when reproduced elsewhere, when they did not contain the full text or when the text was deficient as to be incomprehensible. The compilers allege that only a small number has been left out this way. The layout of the original compilation is preserved, but page numbers were removed. There is a table of contents and an index of titles by stroke order. The usefulness of this collection is limited. It is in clear need of chronological, geographical, institutional or thematic indexes.

Rubbings of 1300 Sung inscriptions are reproduced in:

(C) PL2448.P45 1989 Pei-ching t'u-shu-kuan ts'ang Chung-kuo li-tai shih-k'o t'o-pen hui-pien
(Collection of Chinese stone rubbings, by dynasty, in the Peking library).
Cheng-chou: Chung-chou ku-chi ch'u-pan-she, 1989-1991. 100 volumes.

This collection of Chinese stone rubbings from 475 B.C. to A.D. 1949 has 8 volumes for the Sung period. The volumes are ordered chronologically. A separate index volume includes a place index and a stroke-count title index.

  Zhongguo lidai shike shiliao huibian
(Collection of Chinese stone rubbings throughout the Dynasties)
Beijing shutongwen shuzihua jishu youxian gongsi 北京書同文數字化技術有限公司, Wanfang shuju dianzi chubanshe 萬方數據電子出版社, 2004.
Includes over 1000 collections of epigraphic texts (including the epigraphy sections in local gazetteers). This system allows for full-text searching.
  Lidai shike shiliao huibian
(Collection of Chinese stone rubbings throughout the Dynasties)
Guojia tushuguan jinshizu 國家圖書館善本金石組
Beijing : Beijing tushuguan chubanshe 北京圖書館出版社, 2000.

There are four volumes of Song epigraphic texts out of a total of sixteen. There is a title index by stroke order.


According to Zhao Chao's 赵超 general survey of archeological finds of biographical materials since 1949, around 400 items dating from the Song period have been identified. (Gudai muzhi tonglun 古代墓志通论. Beijing: Zijincheng chubanshe, 2003. pp. 181-184.) For recent collections of funerary inscriptions unearthed after 1949 with substantial Song coverage, consult:

(C) NK3634.A2 X534 Xin Zhongguo chutu muzhi
(Funerary Inscriptions Unearthed in New China)
Zhongguo wenwu yanjiusuo 中国文物研究所
Beijing: Wenwu chubanshe, 1994-

So far the volumes for Henan (118 Song inscriptions), Shaanxi (13), Chongqing and environs (39), and Beijing (0) have been published. This series focuses on funerary inscriptions that have never been published before; those included in previous collections or circulating as rubbings are not included. Each volume includes a plate of each rubbing, a bibliographical description and the transcribed text. (The editorial policies require reproductions of the original steles, but those do not appear in the volumes published so far.) The volumes are either arranged by dynasty with place indexes at the end, or by place with a chronological index at the end. An index of all personal names mentioned in the inscriptions is also prescribed for all volumes according to the editorial policies.

(C) CN1161.K4 C44 1991x Jiangxi chutu muzhi xuanbian
(Jiangxi jiaoyu chubanshe)
Chen Boquan 陈柏泉
Nanchang: Jiangxi jiaoyu chubanshe, 1991. 4, 12, 594 p.

This anthology includes punctuated transcriptions of newly unearthed funerary inscriptions from Jiangxi Province (Northern Song: 34; Southern Song: 59). It also includes 28 Song land contracts (Northern Song: 7; Southern Song: 21).

(C) DS797.44.L866 Luoyang chutu muzhi zuzang di ziliao huibian
(Collected Materials on Funerary Inscriptions and Burial Grounds Unearthed in Luoyang)
Yu Fuwei 余扶危 and Zhang Jian 张剑
Beijing: Beijing tushuguan chubanshe, 2002. 2, 28, 607 p.
This work indexes only those funerary inscriptions discovered before 1998 for which the place of discovery is known. Each entry covers the title, the name of the biographee, place of birth, time of death, place of death, time of burial, place of burial, location of discovery. The materials are culled from 12 collections published between the Qing Dynasty and 1996. It includes around 140 Song inscriptions.
(C) CN1161.C49 C48 1984 Quanzhou Yisilan jiao shike
(Islamic Inscriptions from Quanzhou)
Chen Dasheng 陈达生, Chen Enming 陈恩明 and Fujian sheng Quanzhou haiwai jiaotong shi bowuguan 福建省泉州海外交通史博物馆
Yinchuan, Fuzhou: Ningxia renmin chubanshe, Fujian renmin chubanshe, 1984.

This collection includes around 200 stele inscriptions dating from the Song and Yuan periods.

(C) CJ3504 .L53 2000x Liang Song tieqian
(Iron Coins during the Northern and Southern Song Dynasty)
Yan Fushan 阎福善
Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 2000. [9], 438 p.

Includes rubbings of 1861 types of iron coins. It covers the coins recovered in the large discovery made during a clean-up project along the Grand Canal in Gaoyou, Jiangsu, 1985. Each entry explains the coin's features and source. Entries are arranged by reign period. Pieces whose authenticity could not be guaranteed are not incldued. For those pieces on which opinion diverges as to their grades and features, all opinions are noted. Includes a general discussion of iron coins in the Song period, a chronology of major events relating to this topic, a chart of supervising government agencies by prefecture, a map of foundries and places where iron coin circulated.


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