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X. Sung Works with Detailed Tables of Contents

Here are listed works for which tables of contents have been prepared as research aids.
Ref (W) PL 2472.Z5 I9
LoC: PL2472.Z5 I9
Part I: A Concordance to Chu Hsi, Ta hsueh chang chü; A Concordance to Chu Hsi, Chung yung chang chü.
P. J. Ivanhoe comp. Margaret Waters prog.
Stanford Concordance Series.
San Francisco: Chinese Materials Center, 1979.

For the documentary collection Sung hui-yao, see:
(J) DS751.H733 S6 1970
LoC: DS751.H733 S6 1970 (Orien Japan)
Sōkaiyō kenkyū biyō mokuroku
[Sung hui-yao yen-chiu pei-yao mu-lu]
(Table of contents for research on the Sung hui-yao)
Aoyama Sadao 青山定雄 comp.
Tokyo: Tōyō bunko Sōdaishi kenkyū iinkai, 1972. 108 p,

which supersedes the partial table of contents in:
(Widener) Ch 30.179 vol.3
LoC: HC427.6.H763 B35 1958
Table des matières: Song houei-yao.
Etienne Balazs and Collette Patte.
Paris: École Pratique des Hautes Études, 1958. 63 and 21 p.
McMullen #172.

For a supplement and a more detailed table of contents of Sung-hui-yao chi-kao, see:
LoC: DS751.H733 W36 1986 China
Sung hui-yao chi-kao k'ao-chiao
(Corrections and studies of Sung-hui-yao chi-kao).
Wang Yun-hai 王雲海
Shanghai: Shang-hai ku-chi ch'u-pan-she, 1986.

This reprints an older Taiwan work but is superseded by the Japanese table of contents above.

For the section "Honoring Scholars" in the Collected Statutes of the Song Dynasty, see:

(C) DS751.S667 2001x Song huiyao jigao: chong ru
宋會要輯稿: 崇儒
(The Collected Statutes of the Song Dynasty Reconstructed: Honoring Scholars)
Miao Shumei 苗書梅 and Wang Yunhai 王雲海
Kaifeng: Henan daxue chubanshe, 2001. 13, 522 p.

Yoshida Tora and Tanada Naohiko have been responsible for tables of contents for
Chang Ju-yü's 張如愚 Ch'ün-shu k'ao-so:

Sandō sensei Gunsho kōsaku mokuroku
[Shan-t'ang hsien-sheng Ch'ün-shu k'ao-so mu-lu]
Yoshida Tora 吉田寅and Tanada Naohiko 棚田直彥comp.
Tokyo: Tōkyō kyōiku daigaku bungakubu Tōyōshi kenkyūshitsu Ajiashi kenkyūkai, 1957. 63 p.
McMullen #170.


Kokuchō shoshin sōgi mokuroku hoka
[Kuo-ch'ao chu-ch'en tsou-i mu-lu t'a]
(Tables of content for the Kuo-ch'ao chu-ch'en tsou-i, etc.).
Yoshida Tora and Tanada Naohiko comp.
Tokyo: Tōkyō kyōiku daigaku bungakubu Tōyōshi kenkyūshitsu Ajiashi kenkyūkai, 1957. 79 p.
McMullen #174,

has tables of contents for the following collections and histories:
Chao Ju-yü
Kuo-ch'ao chu-ch'en tsou-i
P'eng Po-ch'uan
T'ai-p'ing chih-chi t'ung-lei
Tseng Kung
Lung-p'ing chi
Wang Ch'eng
Tung-tu shih-lueh

A detailed table of contents for the great Southern Sung encyclopedia, Wang Ying-lin's 王應麟hai, is
  Gyokkai mokuroku
[Yü-hai mu-lu]
(Table of contents of the Yü‑hai).
Yoshida Tora 吉田寅and Tanada Naohiko 棚田直彥comp.
Tokyo: Tōkyō kyōiku daigaku bungakubu Tōyōshi kenkyūshitsu Ajiashi kenkyūkai, 1957. 104 p.
McMullen #171.

The following reprints of old editions of several Sung encyclopedias have tables of contents with page numbers. These are
LoC: AE2 .K35 1970 (Orien China)
Shih-wu chi-yuan chi-lei
(On the origins of things and affairs, collected by category).
Kao Ch'eng 高承(fl. late 11th century).
1447; rpt. Taipei: Hsin-hsing, 1969. 10 ch.
LoC: DS705 .L48 (Orien China)
Ku-chin yuan-liu chih-lun
(Full accounts of origins, past and present).
Lin Chiung 林駉fl. ca. 1215).
Ming ed., rpt. Taipei: Hsin-hsing, 1970. 2 vols. 30 ch.
LoC: AE3 .H67 1969 (Orien Japan)
Ku-chin ho-pi shih-lei pei-yao
(Full essentials of affairs ancient and modern).
Hsieh Wei-hsin 謝維新
Rpt. Taipei: Hsin-hsing shu-chü, 1969. 4 vols. 366 ch.

The following work includes tables of contents for the important documentary collections Cheng Ch'iao's 鄭樵 T'ung chih and Ma Tuan-lin's 馬端臨Wen-hsien t'ung-k'ao:
LoC: Z3101 .B8 Japan
Bunken tsūkō goshu sōmokuroku fu Tsūten Tsūshi
[Wen-hsien t'ung-k'ao wu-chung tsung-mu-lu fu T'ung-tien T'ung-chih]
(Tables of contents to five Wen-hsien t'ung-k'ao, plus the T'ung-tien and T'ung-chih).
Tōyōshi kenkyūkai 東洋史研究會 comp.
Tōyōshi kenkyūkai, 1954. 113 p.
McMullen #188.

For indexes to Song administrative handbooks, see
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