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The T'ai-p'ing yü-lan and T'ai-p'ing kuang-chi, great court compendia from the end of the tenth century, were drawn from pre-Sung writings. They are indexed by the following:
(C)Z3101.Y446x vol.23
LoC: AI19.C5 Y55 vol. 23 (Orien China)
T'aip'ing yülan yin-te
(Index to the T'aip'ing yü-lan).
Harvard-Yenching Institute Sinological Index Series, #23.
Beijing: Harvard-Yenching Institute, 1935; rpt. Taibei: Chengwen Publishing Co., 1966. 261 p.
McMullen  #165,

and the following, which indexes section and sub-section titles from the table of contents:
Chinn Ho RR R 9297 4462.8
T'ai-p'ing yü-lan so-yin
(Index to the T'ai-p'ing yü-lan).
Ch'ien Ya-hsin 錢亞新 comp.
Shanghai: Shang-wu yin-shu-kuan, 1934. 27, 5, 81 p.
McMullen  #166.

  Taiping yulan yinde, Taiping guangji yinde
(Index to Taiping yulan and Taiping guangji).
Nie Chongqi 聶崇岐 et al.
Shanghai:Shanghai guji chubanshe 上海古籍出版社, 1990.
The following covers persons and titles of books cited:

Ref (C) PL2446.T353 C5
LoC: PL2446.T353 C5 (Orien China)
T'aip'ing kuangchi jenming shuming soyin
(Personal-name and book-title index to the T'aip'ing kuangchi)
Chou Tz'u-chi 周次吉 comp.
Taipei: Iwen yinshu kuan, 1973. 127, 164, 61 p.
McMullen  #168.
Ref (C) Z3101.Y446x vol.15
LoC: AI19.C5 Y55 vol. 15 (Orien China)
T'aip'ing kuangchi p'ien mu chi yin-shu yin-te
(Index to section headings and titles of books quoted in the T'aip'ing kuangchi).
Teng Ssu-yü 鄧嗣禹comp.
Harvard-Yenching Institute Sinological Index Series, #15.
Peking: Harvard-Yenching Institute, 1934; rpt. Taipei: Chengwen Publishing Co., 1966. 60, 43 p.
McMullen  #167.

Note also

LoC: H8.C47 J46 China
"T'ai-p'ing kuang-chi yin-shu yin-te pu-cheng"
(Supplement to the Index to books quoted in the T'ai-p'ing kuang-chi).
Yeh Ch'ing-ping 葉慶炳
(Fu-jen ta-hsueh) Jen-wen hsueh-pao 人文學報 2 (1972): 179-196,
LoC: AC149.T323 T35 1982 China
Taiping guangji suoyin
(Index to the Taiping guangji)
Luo Xihou 羅錫厚, Zhou Xueying 周雪瑛, and Ma Xuchuan 馬緖傳
Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1982. 168 p.

which indexes book titles and section headings as found in the 1961 Chung-hua shu-chü edition of the work.
There is an index to part of the Ts'e-fu yuan-kuei, the great compendium of administrative history, indexing personal names, place names, offices, titles, customs and beliefs, and practices of foreign peoples found in chüan 652-664 and 956-1000:
LoC: AE2.T763 U87 1938 Japan
Sappu genki, hōshibu, gaishinbu sakuin
(Index to the sections on ambassadors and foreign vassals in the Ts'e-fu yuan-kuei).
Utsunomiya Kiyoyoshi 宇都宮清吉 and Naitō Boshin 內藤戊申 comp.
Tokyo: Tōhō bunka kenkyūjo, 1938; rpt. Kyoto: Rinzen shoten, 1988. 994 p.
McMullen  #89.

Here we may also note the comprehensive index to Ssu-ma Kuang's 司馬光 Tzu-chih t'ung-chien:
Chinn Ho RR R 2512 1279.2
Shiji tsugan sakuin
[Tzu-chih t'ung-chien so-yin]
(Index to Tzuchih t'ungchien).
Saeki Tomi 佐伯富comp.
Kyoto: Kyōto daigaku Jinbun kagaku kenkyūjo, 1961. 381 p.
McMullen  #90.

For Yeh Ta-ch'ing's 葉大慶 (c.s. 1205) K'ao-ku chih-i, see:
Ref Z3101.Y446x vol.3
LoC: AI19.C5 Y55 vol. 3 (Orien China)
K'ao-ku chih-i yin-te
(Index to K'ao-ku chih-i).
Harvard-Yenching Institute Sinological Index Series #3
Peking: Harvard-Yenching Institute, 1931; rpt. Taipei: Ch'eng-wen, 1966. 14 p.
McMullen  #142.

For the Ching-te ch'uan-teng lu, a collection of Buddhist biographies, see:
"Keitoku dentōroku koyū meishi sakuin"
["Ching-te ch'uan-teng lu ku-yu ming-tz'u so-yin"]
(Index to proper nouns in the Ching-te ch'uan-teng lu).
Suzuki Tetsuo 鈴木哲雄
Chūgoku kankei ronsetsu shiryō
13.1.2 (1971): 33-45 and 14.1.1 (1972): 56-100.
McMullen #276.

The above has five sections: personal names, place names, temple and pagoda names, reign periods, and administrative terms. Arranged by Japanese pronunciation.

For an index to the Northern Sung Taoist encyclopedia Yun-chi ch'i-ch'ien 雲笈七籤, see:
WID-LC BL1900.A1Y8337 1981
LoC: BL1900.A1 Y8337 1981
Index du Yunji qiqian: projet Tao-tsang.
Kristopher M. Schipper.
Paris: École Franōaise d'Extrême-Orient, 1981-1982. Publications, v.131. 2 vols. 1398 and 154 p.
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