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Mathematical Texts:

(C) QA27.C5 G866 2003 Shuxue dianji suoyin: Qin Han zhi Song shehui jingji shiliao
數學典籍索引 : 秦漢至宋社會經濟史料
(Matériaux pour l'historie socio-économique index des livres mathématiques (Qin-Han-Song))
Guo Zhengzhong 郭正忠 and Lan Keli 藍克利 (Christian Lamouroux)
Shenyang: Liaoning jiaoyu chubanshe, 2003.

This is an index to 24 titles in total, ranging from Qin though Song times. It includes the work of the two most famous Song mathematicians Qin Jiushao and Yang Hui. The terms indexed were chosen with an eye to make mathematical sources useful to economic and social historians.


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