Members of the Society for Song, Yuan, and Conquest Dynasties Studies receive an annual copy of the Journal of Song-Yuan Studies as a benefit of paid membership.
Members are also entitled to apply for Society sponsorship of their panels at the Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference. The call for sponsored panel proposals is announced on the Song-Yuan listserv and posted to the SSYCDS website in late spring. Proposals are due to the SSYCDS selection committee in mid-summer so that they may be approved before submission to AAS.
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for Song, Yuan, and Conquest Dynasties Studies Here
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As a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization, we welcome donations! Please make a general donation, or you may specify a donation target: journal, conference (AAS/Middle Period China Conferences), or small grants to individuals (including conference panel support). Donations may also be made in honor of an individual. Please identify the honoree and/or target of your donation in the Special Instructions box when you make your payment. Contact Ya Zuo if you have any questions.