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Rao Zongyi
   [ Bibliographies and Abstracts of Sung-Period Sources: Modern Specialized Bibliographies:Literati Writing:Literary Collections ]
   [ Bibliographies and Abstracts of Sung-Period Sources: Modern Specialized Bibliographies:Literati Writing: Poetry ]

Recent Trends in American Research in Song Dynasty History: Local Religion and Political Culture
   [ Guides to the State of the Field: Retrospective Assessments of the Field: Scholarship in Particular Fields: Political History ]
   [ Guides to the State of the Field: Retrospective Assessments of the Field: Scholarship in the West ]

Répertoire des dates des hommes célèbres des Song
   [ Biographical Dictionaries and Indexes to Biographical Information: Dates of sung figures ]

Revue bibliographique de sinologie
   [ Bibliographies and Abstracts of Recent Scholarship ]

Riben cang Song ren wenji shanben gouchen
   [ Bibliographies and Abstracts of Sung-Period Sources: Modern Specialized Bibliographies: Literati Writing: Literary Collections ]

Riben cang Zhongguo hanjian difangzhi congkan

   [ Biographical Dictionaries and Indexes to Biographical Information: Indexes to comprehensive biographical information ]

Riben gongneiting shulingbu cang Song Yuan ban Hanji yingyin congshu
   [ Bibliographies and Abstracts of Sung-Period Sources: Sung Editions and Inscriptions ]

Riben Song shi yanjiu wenxian mulu (1982-1997)
   [ Bibliographies and Abstracts of Recent Scholarship: In Japanese and Korean ]

Riben Song xue yanjiu de xin guandian
   [ Guides to the State of the Field: Retrospective Assessments of the Field: Scholarship in Particular Fields: Intellectual History ]

Riben xueshujie guanyu cong Song zhi Qing tianhu, nubi, gugongren zai falü shang shenfen de taolun
   [ Guides to the State of the Field: Retrospective Assessments of the Field: Scholarship in Particular Fields:Social and Economic History ]

Roku Yu Kennan shikō shidai sakuin

   [ Indexes and Concordances to Sung Texts: Literary Writings and Miscellanies ]

Rozman, Gilbert
   [ Guides to the State of the Field: Retrospective Assessments of the Field: Scholarship in the West ]

Rural China in the Song
   [ Guides to the State of the Field: Retrospective Assessments of the Field: Scholarship in Particular Fields:Social and Economic History ]

Ryō Kin Genjin denki sakuin
   [ Biographical Dictionaries and Indexes to Biographical Information: Indexes to comprehensive biographical information ]

Ryūkoku daigaku Ōmiya toshokan shozō no Sō Genpan Butten ni tsuite
   [ Bibliographies and Abstracts of Sung-Period Sources: Sung Editions and Inscriptions ]