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I.B.5. Scholarship in Particular Fields

I.B.5.a. Intellectual and Religious History

Intellectual History

A general review by a senior intellectual historian is

J 2414 1317
LoC: DS32.5 .A44 1983 Japan
"Shisōshi III -- Sō-Shin"
思想史 III -宋~清
(Intellectual history III: Sung through Ch'ing).
Shimada Kenji 島田虔次
Ajia rekishi kenkyū nyūmon: Chūgoku
(Introduction to the study of Asian history: China).
Kyoto: Dōhōsha, 1983, pp. 249-286.

On Wang Anshi's New Learning, see:

(C) DS734.7.C63
LoC: DS734.7 .C63 China
"Jinnian lai Wang Anshi Xinxue yanjiu zongshu"
(New Perspectives in Japanese Research on Song Learning).
Zhu Xiuchun 朱修春
Zhongguo shi yanjiu dongtai 2000.2:2-6.

This review article is divided up into sections on the formation of New Learning, its content, special features, influence and historical significance.

On Neo-Confucianism in particular see, for Japan:

(C) DS734.7.C63
LoC: DS734.7 .C63 China
"Riben Song xue yanjiu de xin guandian"
(New Perspectives in Japanese Research on Song Learning).
Kojima Tsuyoshi 小岛毅
Zhongguo shi yanjiu dongtai 36 (2000):37-40.
(W) DS12.A45
LoC: DS12 .A45
"Japanese Studies on Sung Neo-Confucianism during the Sung and Ming dynasties."
Ōshima Akira.
Acta Asiatica 52 (1987): 86-109.
LoC: B8.C5 C48
"Chan-hou Jih-pen Sung Ming li-hsueh yen-chiu te kai-k'uang"
(Overview of postwar Japanese studies of Sung and Ming Neo-Confucianism).
Shimada Kenji 島田虔次
Chung-kuo che-hsueh 中國哲學 7(1982): 146-158.
LoC: AS452.C4614 A15 China
"Jih-pen li-hsueh yen-chiu ch'ing-k'uang kai-lueh"
(The state of Japanese studies of Neo-Confucianism).
Yoshida Kōhei 吉田公平 and Ichiki Tsuyuhiko 市來津由彥
Chung-chou hsueh-k'an 中州學刊1985.3 : 54-60.
LoC: D1 .R2178 Japan
"Shushigaku kenkyū no genjō to kadai"
(Studies on Chu Hsi Confucianism: Its present state and issues).
Gotō Nobuko 後藤延子
Rekishigaku kenkyū 歷史學研究 421 (1975): 28-34.

for Western studies of Neo-Confucianism:

LoC: B128.C54 S54 Japan
"Ō-Bei no Shushigaku"
(Chu Hsi studies in Europe and America).
Ch'en Jung-chieh 陳榮捷 (Wing-tsit Chan).
In Shushigaku nyūmon
(Introduction to Chu Hsi Confucianism).
Shushigaku taikei 朱子學大系 Vol. I.
Tokyo: Meitoku shuppansha, 1974, pp. 491-529.

For one view of several recent studies of Sung intellectual history with a particular emphasis on Neo-Confucianism, see:

LoC: PL2250 .C5638 China
Pa-shih nien-tai chung-yeh i-lai Mei-kuo te Sung-tai ssu-hsiang-shih yen-chiu
(American scholarship on Sung intellectual history since the mid-1980s).
Hoyt Cleveland Tillman 田浩
Chung-kuo wen-che yen-chiu t'ung-hsun 中國文哲研究通訊 3:4 (1993): 63-70.

for China:

J1009.1/6264 "Chūgoku ni okeru Sō Min rigakushi kenkyū"
(Studies of Sung-Ming Neo-Confucianism in China).
Tsuchida Kenjirō 土田健次郎
Tōyō no shisō to shūkyō 東洋の思想と宗教4 (1987): 100-119.

For Chinese scholarship on Chu Hsi, see:

LoC: DS734.7 .C63 China
"Chu-tzu-hsueh yen-chiu te hsin-chin-chan"

(New developments in Chu Hsi studies).
Yü Chao-p'eng 俞兆鵬 and Li Wei-tung 李衛東
Chung-kuo-shih yen-chiu tung-t'ai 中國史研究動態1991.3:26-30.

On the changes in the evaluation of Chu Hsi in the PRC, see:

  "Saikin no Chūgoku ni okeru Shu Ki kenkyū o megutte"
(On recent Chu Hsi studies in China).
Kawano Masahiro 川野正裕
Kumatsu shū 沫集 (1989): 91-99.

For a review of recent scholarship on Eastern Zhe intellectuals, see

(C) DS734.7.C63
LoC: DS734.7 .C63 China
"Bashi niandai yilai Nan Song Zhedong shigong xuepai yanjiu gaishu"
(Review of Research on the Zhedong Utilitarian School of Thought Since the Eighties).
Chen Guocan 陈国灿
Zhongguo shi yanjiu dongtai 1996.3:2-10.
  "Ershi shiji guanyu Zhedong shixue yanjiu de jige wenti"
(Some Questions regarding Research on Zhedong Historiography in the Twentieth Century)
Cai Kejiao 蔡克驕


For Taiwan scholarship on Ssu-ma Kuang's Tzu-chih t'ung-chien, see:

LoC: DS734.7 .C63 China
"Chin ssu-shih-nien lai T'ai-wan Tzu-chih t'ung-chien yen-chiu kai-shu"
(Introduction to Taiwan scholarship on Tzu-chih t'ung-chien in the last forty years).
Chai Ch'ing-fu 翟清福
Chung-kuo-shih yen-chiu tung-t'ai 中國史研究動態1993.11: 16-21.

For a review of research on Song historical scholarship, see

2665/5635 "Ershi shiji Songdai shixue zhi yanjiu"
(Research on Song Historical Scholarship in the Twentieth Century).
Wang Deyi 王德毅
Song shi yanjiu tongxun 31 (1998.1): 5-16.


On Song classical scholarship, see

(C) DS734.7.C63
LoC: DS734.7 .C63 China
"Songdai yijing sichao yanjiu shuping"
(A Critical Review of Research on the Doubting the Classics Movement during the Song Dynasty).
Yang Shiwen 杨世文
Songdai wenhua yanjiu 12 (2003):371-385.


Religious History

For a review of Japanese scholarship published between 1980 and 2005, see:

  Japanese Studies on Taoism and Chinese popular religion in the Song period, 1980 to the present
Matsumoto Koichi
Journal of Song-Yuan Studies 35 (2005): 130-137.

For a review of scholarship on Buddhism and Taoism, see:

J9210/2794 "Sō Gen jidai no Bukkyō to Dōkyō ni kansuru kenkyū kaiko"
(Review of studies on Sung- and Yuan-period Buddhism and Taoism).
Araki Kengo 黃木見悟
Kurume daigaku Hikakubunka kenkyūjo kiyō
久留米大學比較文化研究所紀要 1 (1987): 87-129.
  "Ershi shiji Songdai fojiao shiji yanjiu zongshu"
(Review of Twentieth-Century Studies on Song Buddhist Historical Writing )
Cao Ganghua 曹剛華, Chen Xiao 陳曉
Zhongguo shi yanjiu dongtai 中國史研究動態 2006.2: 17-21.

On shrines, see:

LoC: DS735 .H737 China
"Song zhi Qingdai de guojia yu cishen xinyang yanjiu de huigu yu taolun"
(Review of studies on Sung- and Yuan-period Buddhism and Taoism).
Jiang Zhushan 蔣竹山
Xin shixue 8.2 (1997):187-219.

See also I.B4.


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