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For personal names mentioned in the memorials of Ssu-ma Kuang (1019-1086), see:

LoC: DS751.6.S78 A25 1986 China
"Ssu-ma Kuang tsou-i jen-ming so-yin"
(Personal-name index to the Memorials of Ssu-ma Kuang).
Wang Ken-lin 王根琳 comp.
In Ssu-ma Kuang tsou-i 司馬光奏議(Memorials of Ssu-ma Kuang).
T'ai-yuan: Shan-hsi jen-min ch'u-pan-she, 1986, pp. 447-474.

For personal names in the collected writings of Chang Shih(1122-1180), see:

LoC: PL2687.C359 N329
Chō Nanken shū jinmei sakuin
(Personal-name index to Chang Nan-hsuan chi).
Takahata Tsunenobu 高常信 comp.
Nagoya: Saika shorin, 1976. 128, 123 p.

For the literary collection (Ssu-pu ts'ung-k'an 四部叢刊 edition) of Chu Hsi朱熹 (1130-1200), see:

LoC: PL2679 .H829 1977
Kai'an sensei Shu Bunkō bunshū jinmei sakuin
(Personal-name index to the Literary Collection of Mr. Hui-an Chu Wen-kung [Hui-an hsien-sheng Chu Wen-kung wen-chi]).
Satō Hitoshi 佐藤仁 comp.
Kyoto: Chūbun shuppansha, 1977.

For personal names appearing in Wang Hsiang-chih's early-13th-century cultural geography, see the four-corner index appended to:

Yü-ti chi-sheng
(Records of famous places).
Wang Hsiang-chih 王象之 comp.
Peking: Chung-hua shu-chü, 1992. 8 volumes.

For personal names appearing in Chu Mu's 祝穆 early 13th century cultural geography, see the four-corner index appended to:
  "Fang-yü sheng-lan jen-ming so-yin"
(Personal-name index to the Fang-yü sheng-lan).
In Sung-pen宋本Fang-yü sheng-lan.
Shanghai: Shanghai ku-chi, 1991. Vol. 4, pp. 1-258.

The following indexes personal names in eleven Sung Ch'an-Buddhist miscellanies.
"Jūichi shu Sōdai Zenmon zuihitsushū jinmei sakuin"
(Personal-name index to eleven Sung-period Ch'an-sect miscellanies).
Ishii Shūdō 石井修道 comp.
Komazawa daigaku Bukkyōgakubu kenkyū kiyō
42 (1984): 175-126; 43 (1985): 292-253.

Part I of the above work indexes monks' religious names, while Part II contains indexes for monks' other names, names of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, names of secular figures, and titles of sutras and other writings.

There is a personal-name index for Hung Mai's I-chien chih appended to the 1981 punctuated edition. By four-corner system and stroke-count.

LoC: PL2687.H887 I2 1981 China
"I-chien chih jen-ming so-yin"
(Personal-name index to the I-chien chih).
Wang Hsiu-mei 王秀梅 comp.
In I-chien chih.
Peking: Chung-hua shu-chü, 1981. Vol. 4. 140 p.

References in the following indexes to personal names are also found in the Sung-jen chuan-chi tzu-liao so-yin.

(C) Z3101.Y446x vol.19
LoC: AI19.C5 Y55 vol. 19 (Orien China)
Sung-shih chi-shih chu-che yin-te
(Index to the authors in Notes on Sung poetry [Sung-shih chi-shih]).
Harvard-Yenching Institute Sinological Index Series, #19.
Peking: Harvard-Yenching Institute, 1938; rpt. Taibei: Chengwen Publishing Co., 1966. 127 p.
McMullen #212.
Sung Yuan hsueh-an jen‑ming so-yin, fu i-ming so-yin
(Index to personal names in the Records of Sung and Yuan learning [Sung Yuan hsueh-an) with an appended index to alternative names].
Teng Yuan-ting 鄧元鼎 and Wang Mo-chün 王默君 comp.
Shanghai: Shang-wu, 1936. 156 p.
McMullen #214.
Ref (C) DS735.C5266
LoC: DS735 .C5266 (Orien China)
Sung Yuan fang-chih chuan-chi so-yin
(Index to biographies in Sung and Yuan local gazetteers).
Chu Shih-chia 朱士嘉 comp.
Peking: Chung-hua shu-chü, 1963. 9 and 182 p.
McMullen #213.

The following is a detailed personal-name index to the Sung Yuan hsueh-an and its much longer continuation, the Sung Yuan hsueh-an pu-i. Arranged by Japanese pronunciation; there is a stroke-count index and an alternative-name index. It indexes both biographical entries and passing references.

Sō Gen gakuan, Sō Gen gakuan hoi jinmei jigō betsumei sakuin
[Sung Yuan hsueh-an Sung Yuan hsueh-an pu-i, jen-ming, tzu-hao, pieh-ming so-yin]
(Index to personal names, tzu, and other names in the Records of Sung and Yuan Learning and its continuation).
Kinugawa Tsuyoshi 衣川強 comp.
Kyoto: Kyōto daigaku Jinbun kagaku kenkyūjo, 1974. 408 p.

Note also the following:
"Sung Yuan hsueh-an li-mu jen-wu so-yin"
(Index to the persons appearing in the section titles of Sung-Yuan hsueh an).
Chao Ch'i 兆奇 comp.
Sung-shih yen-chiu t'ung-hsun 宋史研究通訊 9 (1987): 15-55.

This indexes the Ssu-pu pei-yao edition of the Sung-Yuan hsueh-an. Names are ordered by the four-corner system.

For the names of blockcarvers of Sung and Yuan imprints, see:
Ku-chi Sung Yuan k'an-kung hsing-ming so-yin
(Index to the carvers' names in Sung Yuan editions).
Wang Chao-wen 王肇文 comp.
Shanghai: Shang-hai ku-chi ch'u-pan-she, 1990. 408 p.

For Buddhist writings see the fifth index in Part II of the following:
"Jūichi shu Sōdai Zenmon zuihitsushū jinmei sakuin"
(Personal-name index to eleven Sung-period Ch'an-sect miscellanies).
Ishii Shūdō 石井修道 comp.
Komazawa daigaku Bukkyōgakubu kenkyū kiyō
42 (1984): 175-126; 43 (1985): 292-253
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