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The most comprehensive, but not yet complete, bibliography of extant Song Dynasty titles is

Ref (C) Z3102 .L57 1995x Xiancun Song ren zhushu zonglu
(Comprehensive Index of Extant Works by Song Persons)
Liu Lin 劉琳 and Shen Zhihong 沈治宏
Chengdu: Ba Shu shushe, 1995. 12, 530 p.

This union catalog includes titles preserved in major libraries in the PRC, Taiwan, Japan and the US. It also includes titles in the Daoist canon (Daozang), the Buddhist canon (Fozang) and Zhongguo congshu zonglu (Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe, 1986). The list of individual literary collections by Shen Zhihong (III.B.1.a.) is included. For this part, and for the most part, only major editions are listed. New editions not included in Shen Zhihong's work are added.
This index contains 4855 titles; those with authors amount to 2370. In the compilers' estimate, Zhongguo congshu zonglu contains over 3000 Song titles, but leaves out over 1300 titles. It also does not list the wide variety of editions included here. The bibliography is organized by subject, according to the traditional sibu classification system supplemented with a category for congshu. Within each subdivision titles are organized more or less chronologically according to the dates of the author.
Titles that were re-issued in Song times are listed separately. Later editions appear under the main titles. Editions are listed as follows: 1) individual editions; 2) congshu; 3) post-1911 editions. Each entry lists holding institution (not for common titles), and the title for the series (when not noted in Zhongguo congshu zonglu). There is a table of the number of extant titles for each subject division in front. There is an author and title index.

The following lists the Sung texts found in the Chung‑kuo ts'ung‑shu tsung‑lu 中國叢書綜錄 (Catalogue of Chinese collectanea), 3 vols. (Shanghai, 1959-1962; rpt. Shang-hai ku-chi, 1982). Arranged by the romanized name of the author, it includes titles of works, bibliographic category, number of chüan, and editions. There is also an index by romanized book titles. This work lists 4500 titles, including variant titles, by 1664 authors.

Ref (C) Z1003.S5 C541 1977x
LoC: Z1033.S5 M33 China
An Index to Sung Dynasty Titles Extant in Ts'ung‑shu.
Brian E. McKnight, comp.
San Francisco: Chinese Materials Center, 1977. 373 p.

Two bibliographies of extant Sung writings include some works not found in the McKnight index.
The following series lists 3968 titles, including rare editions and works not listed in the Ts'ung-shu tsung-lu. Entries are arranged according to the traditional four-division classification system.
(W) DS701.C647
LoC: DS701 .C647
"Chin‑ts'un Sung‑jen chu‑shu chih‑chien shu‑mu ch'u‑kao"
(Draft bibliography of extant works of Sung figures).
Yang Chia-lo 楊家駱 and Chuang Chia-t'ing 莊嘉廷 comp.
Chinese Culture 11.4 (1970): 105-136; 12.1 (1971): 121-156; 12.2 (1971): 115-171; 12.3 (1971): 77-102; 12.4 (1971): 150-172; 13.3 (1972): 119-176; 13.4 (1972): 98-107.

There is considerable overlap between this and the second bibliography below, also arranged according to the four-division classification system, which is based on current library holdings in Taiwan.
B9610/1438 Hsien‑ts'un Sung‑jen chu‑shu mu‑lueh
(Brief catalogue of extant writings by Sung figures).
Kuo‑li chung‑yang t'u‑shu‑kuan mu-lu ts'ung‑k'an #7.
Taipei: Chung‑hua ts'ung‑shu pien‑shen wei‑yuan hui, 1971. 294 p.

This lists the more common pre-modern editions, primarily in collectanea. Critical notes, following each entry, compare the known editions against the entries in the major Sung-period bibliographies. The table of contents gives the classification scheme. There is no index. Within each category entries appear in approximate chronological order.
The catalogue of writings by Szechwanese includes titles of the individuals' works as well as pieces found only in anthologies. Moreover, it collects references to lost writings. It is arranged by place but includes an author and title index:
Ref (C)Z3107.S9 H77 1986
LoC: Z3107.S9 H77 1986 China
Sung-tai Shu-jen chu-tso ts'un-i lu
(Catalogue of extant and lost writings by Sung-period Szechwanese).
Hsu Chao-ting 許肇鼎 comp.
Ch'eng-tu: Pa-Shu shu-she, 1986. 607 p.

It is arranged by modern county in Szechuan but includes stroke-count indexes to authors and titles and notes the period when the author was active.

  Song dynasty local gazetteers and their place in the history of difangzhi writing
James M. Hargett
Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 56.2 (1996): 405-442.

Lists and discusses extant Song Dynasty local gazetteers.

  "Songdai tushu bianzuan chuban jishi--tujing (Bei Song); Songdai tushu bianzuan chuban jishi--tujing dili (Nan Song)"
(A Chronology of Song Dynasty Compilations and Publications--Gazetteers (Northern Song); A Chronology of Song Dynasty Compilations and Publications--Gazetteers
and Geographical Works (Southern Song))
Li Zhizhong 李致忠
Wenxian 文獻 2004.1: 4-16; 2004.3: 19-32; 2004.4: 4-18; 2005.1: 4-24.

This is a detailed chronology of the compilation of geographical works during the Song Dynasty.

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