See the following three works for extensive bibliographies of
literary collections, "notes on poetry," and other writings
containing or about shih 詩 and tz'u 詞 poetry:
For an annotated bibliography of ci collections:
PL2548 .J33 1992x |
Ciji kao: Tang Wu
dai Song Jin Yuan bian
詞集考 : 唐五代宋金元編
(A Study of Ci Collections: Tang, Five Dynasties, Song, Jin, and Yuan
Rao Zongyi 饒宗頤
Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1992. |
This descriptive bibliography covers both individual collections and
anthologies (bieji and zongji). It includes Tang, Wudai, Liao, Jin and
Yuan collections, but the vast majority are Song (pp. 38-261). There is
an author and title index in the back. The appendix further includes a
bibliography of literary critical titles on ci (Song-Yuan) and composition
aids such as melody and rhyme books (Tang-Song). Each entry includes a
brief description of author(s), title and editions, and a short reference