1 | Dichotomies in Social Experience in the Thought of Lu Jiuyuan
(1139-1193) ANNE D. BIRDWHISTELL |
27 | Cases of the New Terrace: Canon and Law in Three Southern Song
63 | Zhang Fei in Yuan Vernacular Literature: Legend, Heroism, and History
in the Reproduction of the Three Kingdoms Story Cycle KIMBERLY BESIO |
99 | Water Under a Bridge: Further Thoughts on the Qingming Scroll JULIA K. MURRAY |
109 | Standing on a Corner in Twelfth Century China: A Semiotic Reading of a
Frozen Moment in the Qingming shanghe tu JOSEPH R. ALLEN |
127 | Consistencies and Contradictions: From the Gate to the River Bend in
the Qingming shanghe tu SARAH WANG |
137 | Changing Gods in Medieval China, 1127-1276, by Valerie Hansen STEPHEN F. TEISER |
148 | The Poetics of Appropriation: The Literary Theory and
Practice of Huang Tingjian, by David Palumbo-Liu. MICHAEL FULLER |
152 | Sung Dynasty Uses of the I Ching, by Kidder Smith, Jr., et al. RICHARD JOHN LYNN |
169 | A Bibliography of English Language Sources, 1994-1995, on the Five
Dynasties, Sung, Liao, Hsia, Chin, and Yuan MICHAEL C. MCGRATH |
News and Notes 189