Following the success of the previous three gatherings of Middle Period scholars in 2014 at Harvard, 2017 at Leiden, and 2023 at Yale, the conference organizing committee is very pleased to announce that City University of Hong Kong will host the Fourth Middle Period China Humanities Conference.
The conference will take place in late May or early June of 2026, maintaining the regular three-year interval of this conference series. The conference welcomes papers from all disciplines in the humanities (such as history, art history, literature, religious studies, and geography) that deal with China between 220 and 1600. The conference organizing committee is especially interested in papers that address larger themes or use experimental approaches. To take full advantage of the gathering of scholars from different disciplines specializing in different dynastic periods, the committee plans to prioritize papers that discuss more than one dynastic period, study China in a broader geographical context, or use an interdisciplinary methodology.
Fourth Middle Period China Humanities Conference Announcement
Wang Teh-yi 王德毅 (1934-2024), by Hoyt Cleveland Tillman (Tian Hao)
Peter J. Golas (1937-2019), by Hans Ulrich Vogel
Conrad Schirokauer (1929-2018), by David and Oliver Schirokauer
Wm. Theodore de Bary (1919-2017), by Peter Bol
Yanagida Setsuko 柳田節子 (1921-2006), by Joseph McDermott
2024: Announcement of SSYCDS Annual Meeting
2024: SSYCDS Sponsored Panels at AAS
2024: Panel Support Award for AAS: Call for Proposals
2023: Stuck in the Middle? The Third Middle Period China Humanities Conference (220-1600), Yale University (Conference Program )
2023: Announcement of SSYCDS Annual Meeting
2023: SSYCDS Sponsored Panels at AAS
2023: Call for Applications: Song texts workshop at the Elling Eide Center June 9-10
2023: Panel Support Award for AAS: Call for Proposals
2023: Kitan Network Annual (Virtual) Symposium
2022: Announcement of SSYCDS Annual Meeting
2022: SSYCDS Sponsored Panels at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies
2022: Call for Papers for Conference on Tang-Song Transitions, June 2022
2022: SSYCDS Small Grants Program: Call for Proposals
2022: Panel Support Award for AAS: Call for Proposals
2021: Announcement of SSYCDS Annual Meeting
2021: SSYCDS-Sponsored Panels at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies
2020: SSYCDS Response to COVID-19
2019: SSYCDS-Sponsored Panels at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies (Denver, CO)
2018: Announcement of SSYCDS New Website
2018: SSYCDS-Sponsored Panels at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies (Washington, DC)
2018: Tang Prize in Sinology: Shiba Yoshinobu 斯波義信 and Stephen Owen
2017: The Second Conference on Middle Period Chinese Humanities, Leiden University (Conference Program)
2014: International Interdisciplinary Conference on Middle Period China, 800-1400, Harvard University
2012: Modern Chinese Religion: Value Systems in Transformation, Part 1. Song, Liao, Jin, Yuan
2011: “When shall West Lake be without song or dance?” A Conference about Southern Song Culture
2010: SSYCDS Acknowledgments to Haverford College and the Chen Family Funds for East Asian Studies
2010: A Newly Discovered Inscription by Qin Gui
2010: 「文藝紹興 -南宋藝術與文化」學術研討會議程 Dynastic Renaissance: Art and Culture of the Southern Song
2009: Ideas, Networks, Places: Rethinking Chinese History of the Middle Period
2007: Prosopography of Middle Period China: Using the Database
Please send news and announcements regarding Song, Yuan, and Conquest Dynasties Studies to Yiwen Li (