• Journal of Song-Yuan Studies

    JSYS (ISSN 1059-3152) is an annual publication devoted to promoting scholarship in all disciplines related to Middle Period China, with an especial focus on the Song, Liao, Jin, Xia, and Yuan dynasties.

    The Journal of Song-Yuan Studies is a benefit of membership in the Society. See the JSYS Archive page for the table of contents of the latest and previous issues. Individual issues and articles of the journal, starting with Volume 38 are available through Project Muse. The Society is working with JSTOR to make past issues available, with a three-year moving wall.


    Scholars are encouraged to submit manuscripts of articles, bibliographies, and research notes. All submissions are evaluated by referees. Except for bibliographies, manuscripts should be in English, typed double-spaced (including quotations), and submitted in electronic form as an e-mail attachment. Article submissions should conform, as much as possible, to the guidelines in the Journal of Song-Yuan Studies Style Sheet, the JSYS General Guidelines for Article Submissions, and The Chicago Manual of Style. All contributors to the Journal will receive ten offprints of their work.

    Inquiries regarding the journal and submissions should all be sent to both editors: Charles Hartman, E-mail: chartman@albany.edu and Paul Jakov Smith, E-mail: psmith@haverford.edu.

    However, correspondence concerning book reviews should be sent directly to the Book Review Editor, Brian Vivier (vivier@pobox.upenn.edu). Unsolicited book reviews (not including comprehensive review essays) are unlikely to be considered.